
Download Lauren’s Acting Resume

Lauren English, A Midsummer Night’s Dream


A Midsummer Night's Dream
California Shakespeare Festival
Directed by Shana Cooper

"Lauren is deft at combining the smooth polish of romantic comedy with some real emotion and complication."
~Chad Jones, Theatre Dogs

Lauren English, Why We Have A Body


Why We Have A Body
The Magic Theatre
Directed by Katie Peal

"Lauren English gives a devastatingly powerful performance as Anna, perfectly combining the wacky mannerisms of the character with her emotional catharsis that she undergoes."
~Mark Thomas Jackson, Theatre Arts Daily Review

Lauren English, Talley’s Folly


Talley's Folly
The Aurora Theatre Company
Directed by Joy Carlin

"English deftly suggests the wounded cracks and hollows behind the placid facade of this hospital nurse’s aide"
~Steven Winn, SF Chronicle / Talley’s Folly

Lauren English, Grounded


World Premiere of Grounded
by George Brant
Directed by Susannah Martin

Lauren English, Reasons To Be Pretty


Reasons To Be Pretty
by Neil Labute
The SF Playhouse
Directed by Susi Damilano